hypnosis for sales improvement

How Are Sales?

WHAT IS YOUR THOUGHT RIGHT NOW ABOUT YOUR ABILITY TO MAKE YOUR SALES GOAL? While you hold the answer  in your mind, take this simple test: answer Yes or No Do You Resist, Dread, Or Avoid Representing New Products Or Services?  Are Your Having Difficulty Meeting Reasonable Sales Goals?  Do You Avoid Calling On New …

How Imprinting Affects Your Ability to Lose Weight.

Baby Ducks Imprint with Their Mothers Baby Humans Imprint with Their Mother’s Cooking. And how hypnosis transforms imprints from negative to positive so you can lose weight. In hypnotherapy training, we studied Imprints. Imprints are how our life experiences or life events effect us based on the meaning we assign to it.  The meaning is …

hypnosis for mental problems

Hypnosis is a great conversation starter.

The Brain and Body are Talking: Hypnosis To Join the Conversation. Hypnosis is a great conversation starter. Just bring it up at your next gathering and witness the response ranging from fear to accolades. Here is another conversation starter: The body is the subconscious mind, as declared by Candace Pert in her groundbreaking book Molecules …

Finding Your True Voice – Talk About Self-Empowerment.

Valerie Grimes, Dallas Hypnotist’s goal is to have her clients become empowered by creating a new awareness that allows access to our rich inner resources known as our true voice. Finding that connection allows for a shift in thinking which creates an atmosphere for some very powerful changes. Valerie states, “I love working with people …