From tree stands and from buffet stands

Nature is a teacher: sustainability

Taking only what you really need, from tree stands and from buffet stands

IMG_2575Recently I visited the Oregon and California coasts where logging was prevalent, it is still an industry, but with a replanting program rather than the raping that was going on until 1900 or so when they realized those old trees can’t be replaced.

Some of those older trees escaped the saw stand taller at the top of several ridges but they are oddly shaped and looked sickly. What my travel companion shared with me is that the loggers took too many leaving only one or two trees vulnerable to the harsh winds and cold air.

Tree Stands Have Purpose.

You see these trees stand together for protection and if you take too many you harm the ones that remains. The same goes for our bodies. When we take too much food on our plate more than we were designed to eat, we end up over taxing our digestive system. The system goes into overdrive to process what we have given it.

Our systems, just like those trees naturally and instinctively can handle a lot, but when we take too much of something, including taking too many trees from the forest, it creates harm.

IMG_2571The body’s natural instincts let us know when we need food and also when we have had enough food, but we are immune to that just like loggers were immune driven by greed. Our instincts to stop eating have been turned off by an emotional response of boredom, sadness and the like.

Important lessons in nature can remind of us the devastation of taking too much. The forest can naturally recover but it takes 100s of years. Your body can also recover, I think it takes about seven years. So the healthy changes you make now, will have a profound positive effect on the quality of your life in the near future.

I encourage you to start with your next meal, use a smaller plate, eat only the amount of food you can hold in the palm of your hands. It is okay to eat more often, smaller meals throughout the day is a positive choice that will add vitality and energy to each day.

Taking only what you really need can also be expanded to all other areas of your life with unlimited positive benefits.