Are your Facebook LIKES

…enough to raise your self-esteem?

They may be temporarily, but they are not real and not lasting. There are two problems with trying to feel better through social media:

  1. It doesn’t address the core of why a person is needing the praise and acceptance of others.

2. If we cared about that person we would reach out personally and not just LIKE something. This action is not being REAL,

Welcome to the Hypnotic Trip Events: KEEPING IT REAL SERIES. SO WHAT IS A R.E.A.L. series. What is being real?


Be Ready
(to put in the)
(to have)
(for yourself)

In this new series connect to your True Self who is lovable, valuable and confidence and has no reason to hide behind filters, emojis and projections OR LIKES.


What is your motivation to post on Facebook? Do you get a spike in your self-esteem by seeing how many ‘Likes’ you got? Probably. But those ‘Likes’ are as short-lived as the high from eating chocolate chip cookies.

True high self-esteem or self-regard comes from within and results in healthy attitudes, behaviors, and success in all areas of our life. It is based on your life experiences up to this point and can be improved.

Instead you can start ‘Liking’ yourself, by the way when did you start un-liking yourself? Probably when you felt that you were not enough, but you are. you have always been enough. However parents and teachers can make us feel bad about ourselves…this goes way back to probably age 5.

If as a little one you did not feel you were valued then you can do what is called Re-PARENTING.

How do you re-parent yourself to raise your self esteem?

Go out for a walk and ask yourself this questions. What need to I have that is not being met?

lavon lake hiking
Go for a walk to contemplate your needs.

If may take you several outings in nature for you to arrive with an answer and that is okay. You are there to get fresh air, exercise and information so enjoy the process.

From the walking in nature exercise you are now aware of a need that is currently not getting met.
But guess what, no one else can give you that…you have to give it to yourself, that is the re-parenting aspect.

  1. Consider your unmet need.
    For example the need to feel you have permission to openly express yourself without blame or shame.
  2. Create a habit each day to find a way to meet that need.
    For example practice expressing your ideas/needs to someone like a service person at the coffee shop, grocer, etc.  You can safely say, “I really prefer my coffee to be hotter, can you help me with that?”  Or, “There doesn’t seem to be any organic broccoli in the produce section, can you check in the back for me?”  

Do that daily for a few weeks and then try it out on co-workers, supervisors, children, friends, a partner, lover, spouse, or whoever. 

Don’t leave out the difficult people and difficult situations.  It is important to remember that you are the only one that can reject yourself and you would never allow that to happen.

Remember to stand on your own two feet and get your needs met, there is no one else to do the work. You may be tempted to give up because it is new and perceived painful to the unconscious but it is worth it if you can get thru the first 30 days.

hypnotic hiker

Valerie Grimes is the hypnotic hiker creating R.E.A.L. experiences out in nature with one on one hikes and group events and adventures.

If you are ready to get what is in your head transformed into something productive, positive and purposeful and have been unsuccessful so far, then hypnosis might be a great alternative.

To connect to nature and learn from it, follow Valerie Grimes’ podcast: Nature The Drug of Choice on Apple Podcast, Spotify and Google podcasts.

Right Now My Top Basic Needs Are:

As promised, here is a list of basic human needs

To Love
To be valued
To be loved
To feel special